What to Wear Horseback Riding In Aruba? (Should You Avoid Shorts?)

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You’ve probably booked your tour, and now you’re wondering what to wear horseback riding in Aruba.

Or maybe I messed up again (as my ex often said).

No matter what the case is, in this guide, I will walk you through what guides are suggesting you should wear to be comfortable but still look cool for your Insta pic.

I know you see all these people in shorts riding horses in Aruba, but is it a good idea? Should you opt for shorts as well, or listen to tips from guides and wear jeans or long pants? Let’s find out!

Quick Answer – What to Wear Horseback Riding In Aruba?

When horseback riding in Aruba, I suggest wearing breathable long pants or jeans, a shirt that doesn’t restrict movement, closed-toe shoes or sneakers, a hat, and sunglasses.

Also, don’t forget sunscreen, water, and I recommend booking in the morning to avoid the strong sun for a more enjoyable experience.

What you should Avoid?

Forget shorts, they’re a recipe for inner thigh drama – all red and swollen from a saddle showdown. If you’re already stuck with shorts, throw a beach towel on the saddle; it might help, but no guarantees. But let’s be real, jeans are your knight in denim armor for that optimal saddle feel.

Steer clear of the blistering afternoon sun; it’s not your friend. And when it comes to footwear, ditch the heels, leave the flip-flops at home, and for heaven’s sake, don’t even think about sandals or Crocs – not on my watch!

In a nutshell, that covers the basics. However, should you crave more in-depth information and additional tips, here’s a more comprehensive breakdown.

You Should Wear Jeans or Long Pants

Let’s talk about legwear for a moment.

I know, I know, it’s hotter than a jalapeño in a sauna, but listen up – wearing long pants, preferably made of breathable material or even good ol’ jeans, is the way forward when you’re astride a horse in Aruba. I get it, the idea of denim in the Caribbean might make you break into a sweat just thinking about it, but let me tell you something – it’s a darn sight better than chafing your precious legs on that saddle.

Trust me, a bit of heat is nothing compared to the agony of saddle sores. So, swallow your complaints, slap on those pants, and thank me later for saving your rear end – literally!

Solution for Heat

You won’t have red and swollen inner thighs if you wear jeans – fantastic news, right? But I hear you thinking that being in jeans might sound like a bit of a dealbreaker for you. However, here is what you can do to make this adventure more comfortable.

If you’re thinking about saddling up for a ride in the Aruban sun, here’s a nugget of wisdom – go for the morning tour. It’s cooler than a polar bear’s toenails compared to the scorching afternoon heat.

Now, I know what you’re thinking – jeans in the Caribbean? Madness! But fear not, pack some water, slap on those sunglasses, and don a hat. You’ll be too busy soaking in the excitement, the freedom, and the sheer joy of the ride to even notice the heat.

If you’re gearing up for a midday horseback jaunt in Aruba (when that sun is flexing its muscles), ditch the jeans – they’re just a heat trap. Opt for breezy shorts, but here’s the insider hack: throw a beach towel on that saddle. Trust me, it’s your secret weapon against any unwanted rubs. Your legs will thank you, and you’ll be riding high in comfort.

You Should Not Wear Shorts

Observing folks riding horses in shorts might pique curiosity, but the million-dollar question remains: do they end up with chafed thighs after an hour in the saddle? While I can’t guarantee it with absolute certainty, the gamble is real. Riding in shorts could either be a breezy escapade or a recipe for discomfort. The verdict? It’s a risk; proceed at your own peril.

You Should Wear Hat

If you’re planning on straddling a horse in the scorching sun of Aruba, slap a hat on that noggin! It’s not a fashion statement; it’s common sense. The Caribbean sun is relentless, and I don’t care if you think you’re made of steel – your skin isn’t. A hat is your first line of defense against the blazing heat, protecting your delicate face from turning into a lobster. Unless you fancy looking like a boiled tomato, grab a hat, saddle up, and save yourself from the sun’s fiery wrath. It’s not rocket science; it’s just plain sensible horseplay!

My Final Tips

Pay attention, because these are the golden rules.

  • First and foremost, plan your ride for the morning – trust me, it’s a game-changer. The sun hasn’t cranked up to scorching levels, and you’ll thank me when you’re not roasting in the afternoon heat.
  • Next, let’s talk sunblocker. I don’t care if you think you’re naturally blessed with sun resistance – you’re not. Slap on that sunblock like your life depends on it. Aruba’s sun is relentless, and we’re not in the business of turning riders into crispy critters.
  • Now, the water situation. Bring it. Pack it. Chug it. You’re not a camel, and dehydration is not a fun vacation souvenir. The Caribbean sun has no mercy, and you’ll be thanking your foresight when you’re sipping on that precious water mid-ride.
  • Don’t forget your camera! – Your camera isn’t just a gadget; it’s a memory-catcher. Snap shots of the stunning scenery, the wind in your hair, and the pure joy on your face.

I hope all the tips from my guide opened your eyes and showed you what to wear while horseback riding in Aruba and, more importantly, what not to wear.

Final Words

Now you know what to wear horseback riding in Aruba.

To sum up, for horseback riding in Aruba, opt for breathable long pants or jeans, a flexible shirt, closed-toe shoes or sneakers, and don’t forget your hat and sunglasses.

Prepare well, follow the tips, and make your Aruban horseback trip memorable!

Hello, I’m Emma! I’ve been exploring the world since 2015. People always ask me lots of questions when I travel and come back. So, I started a blog to answer them all and share with the world. If you are curious about something, use the search bar on my site or send me an email emma@timetositback.com