How to Find the Best Place to Watch a Meteor Shower?

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If you’re hoping to witness a meteor shower, it’s extremely frustrating to end up seeing nothing at all.

The key is to find the optimal spot for stargazing. If there’s too much light pollution or cloud coverage, you likely won’t see anything.

Here’s your guide to finding the best spot.

What is a meteor shower and why is the location so important?

Witnessing a meteor shower is a breathtaking natural occurrence where Earth passes through a path of leftover material from comets or asteroids.

These remnants create stunning streaks of light.

When it comes to witnessing a meteor shower, the location plays a crucial role in maximizing your viewing experience.

Choosing the right location is key to enjoying the celestial event to the fullest. It ensures a stunning view of shooting stars that will leave you amazed.

Factors to consider when choosing a viewing location

The quest for the perfect viewing location revolves around two key factors:

  1. dark sky conditions
  2. and minimizing light pollution

Light pollution refers to the excessive artificial illumination that washes out the natural darkness of the night sky.

It hinders our ability to fully appreciate the brilliance and beauty of a meteor shower.

By finding a place with minimal light pollution, you can escape the glow of urban areas.

Rural areas and designated dark sky sites are the perfect places to view this celestial phenomenon.

1. Dark Sky Sites

A dark sky site is a designated location, usually situated in a remote area free from any light pollution, that provides an unadulterated view of the night sky without the interference of artificial lighting.

Such sites offer optimal conditions for stargazing, astronomical observations, and astrophotography.

Dark Sky sites are often recognized by organizations like the International Dark Sky Association (IDA).

The IDA encourages the maintenance of dark skies and promotes keeping light pollution at a minimum.

2. Other locations – identifying areas with low light pollution

If there are no designated dark sky sites close by, the next best thing is to find a rural location away from light pollution.

To find locations with low light pollution, it’s helpful to consult light pollution maps or resources that provide information on the brightness of the night sky in different areas.

Here are some ideas of places to consider:

  • Rural areas
  • National parks
  • Remote wilderness locations
  • Coastal areas and beaches
  • Campgrounds

Other important factors to consider when choosing a location

You might have the best location but other things determine how much of a meteor shower you’re going to get to see.

Here are some more important considerations.

Weather conditions

The weather plays a crucial role in determining the success of your meteor shower viewing experience.

For optimal meteor shower viewing, you’ll need clear skies. Even a small amount of cloud cover can obstruct your view and diminish visibility.

Checking weather forecasts in advance can help you determine the expected cloud cover.

Be sure to check weather forecasts from reliable sources. Look for forecasts that provide detailed information on cloud cover, precipitation, and atmospheric conditions.

Websites, smartphone apps, or local meteorological services can provide accurate and up-to-date weather information specific to your desired viewing location.

This will enable you to plan your meteor shower observation on a night when the weather conditions are most favorable.


Choosing to view during a dark moon phase is best. A new moon or a crescent phase is best as there is less light from the moon, meaning you will get a better view.

Patience is key. Meteor showers can have periods of heavy activity, known as peaks, and lulls where there is not much to see.

Try to be patient and give yourself enough time to wait and fully observe the sky. You should also check an astronomical calendar to find out the exact dates, and peak times for meteor showers.

Some meteor showers occur annually, some are more irregular.

Besides selecting peak dates, the timing within the dates needs to be considered too.

The period after midnight until dawn is generally favorable, as it coincides with Earth’s orientation in its orbit, exposing the observer to a greater number of meteors.

However, depending on your location and the time of year, the darkest part of the night will change.

Accessibility, altitude, and terrain

Ensure that your chosen location is easily accessible and provides suitable parking facilities.

Consider the distance you will need to travel, the availability of public transportation, and the convenience of parking your vehicle.

Accessible locations with designated observation areas or parking lots specifically for stargazers can provide a hassle-free experience and make your meteor shower viewing more comfortable.

Higher elevations offer several advantages for meteor shower viewing. As you ascend to higher altitudes, you can escape lower-lying clouds and atmospheric disturbances that may obstruct your view.

Additionally, being at a higher vantage point provides a broader view of the night sky, allowing you to observe meteors across a larger portion of the celestial dome.

Select locations with open areas and unobstructed horizons, free from tall buildings, trees, or mountains that could limit your field of view.

A clear and unimpeded view of the horizon ensures that you don’t miss any meteors as they streak across the sky.

Spacious fields, beaches, or mountain peaks are excellent options for unobstructed viewing and capturing the full grandeur of a meteor shower.

The Best Places on Earth

If you’re willing to travel for this hobby, here are some of the best spots to try out:

  • Cherry Springs State Park, Pennsylvania, USA
  • Jasper National Park, Alberta, Canada
  • Atacama Desert, Chile
  • NamibRand Nature Reserve, Namibia
  • Mauna Kea, Hawaii, USA
  • Exmoor National Park, England
  • Galloway Forest Park, Scotland

Final Thoughts

Viewing a meteor shower is a captivating experience that leaves people in awe of our amazing universe.

By planning this carefully you are giving yourself the best chance of seeing that amazing star show in the sky.

So, wrap up warm, head outside, and enjoy the next meteor shower with full confidence in your star-spotting abilities!

Hello, I’m Emma! I’ve been exploring the world since 2015. People always ask me lots of questions when I travel and come back. So, I started a blog to answer them all and share with the world. If you are curious about something, use the search bar on my site or send me an email